NJ Palisades Scanned Image Library

Cover Image:
Diving into the Hudson River

Collection Facts


Historical Context

The Palisades Interstate Park Commission was established in 1900 to preserve natural, historic, and cultural resources, and provide for their use by the public for recreational and educational purposes. The Interstate Park is a National Historic Landmark and the Palisades themselves are a National Natural Landmark. The New Jersey component of the Interstate Park extends for 12 miles along the Hudson River in Bergen County and contains about 2,500 acres of wild Hudson River shoreline, cliffs, and uplands.

Scope of Collection

This collection includes historical images of events, people, and landscapes in what is now the Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey, both prior to and since the creation of the Park in 1900. It also includes letters, diary entries, and other written records relating to the history of the Palisades area and the Park.

Special Content:

Contact Info:

Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey
P.O. Box 155
Alpine, New Jersey 07620

Phone: 201-768-1360
Email: [email protected]
